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Difference between SaaS, PaaS and IaaS

Cloud computing solutions, such as the one offered by Stadioplus, have been multiplying in recent years in the digital environment. We hear and read about "Software as a Service" i.e. SaaS, cloud computi...
March 29, 2023
Difference between SaaS, PaaS and IaaS

Cloud computing solutions, such as the one offered by Stadioplus, have been multiplying in recent years in the digital environment. We hear and read about "Software as a Service" i.e. SaaS, cloud computing, “Platform as a Service i.e. “PaaS”, “Infrastructure as a Service” i.e IaaS. What are the differences between each of these modalities? Let us dig deeper to understand this.

What is a SaaS?

SaaS stands for "Software as a Service". This solution replaces traditional software that is installed on users' computers. SaaS are hosted on the Service Provider's servers, which grants access for use to customers who pay a subscription for the service.

Examples of SaaS are business management software such as CRM or ERP, entertainment platforms such as Netflix, Amazon Prime, Dazn, Eurosport Player or Spotify, mail managers such as Gmail, or the innovative and modern Stadioplus Tech.

What is a PaaS?

PaaS stands for "Platform as a Service". This type of solution is designed to serve developers. Through these platforms, professionals can create, manage and support different applications by testing the tools in virtual environments. 

Some examples of PaaS are Microsoft Azure App Service, IBM Cloud Foundry or Google App Engine.

What is an IaaS?

IaaS stands for "Infrastructure as a Service". This solution provides companies with the resource requirements like energy, connectivity or storage, wherein customers pay only for the resources they use. Through IaaS companies generate their own virtual central control panel to manage their resources in a simple and flexible way.

Some examples of IaaS are Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure or Google Cloud.

Main differences between SaaS, PaaS and IaaS

  • These are three different layers of cloud services. In a SaaS you work with software, in a PaaS you work with platforms and in an IaaS you work with infrastructures.
  • Difficulty of use: While software as a service can be used by any member of the work team with basic training, both PaaS and IaaS require advanced knowledge to use them.
  • Target audience: Software as a service is the solution with the largest number of potential users. A SaaS can be used by individual consumers, by self-employed professionals or by companies of any size and turnover. PaaS is menat for developers, whether they work independently or within a company that wants to have its own applications and IT tools. IaaS are usually used by larger companies looking for comprehensive solutions to optimize their resources.

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